Membership of the Australian Viola da Gamba Society is open to all interested people. You can now renew or apply for membership online through TryBooking
If you wish to pay by direct debit or cheque, please fill in our membership form:
Membership forms can also be requested by emailing:
Memberships from outside Australia are most welcome, but payment will need to be made in Australian dollars. If this poses a difficulty, please email the Secretary ( to discuss various options. The membership year runs from January to December.
Benefits of membership
Please see the members only sections for access to online content and discounts:
- Access to online viol videos, including lectures on viol related topics, deep dives into some of our favourite viol music, and viol playing techniques.
- Online viol-related news
- National Viol School
- Public liability insurance available for consort events where all participants are financial members of the society
- Grants available to assist consorts to bring over Australian tutors to build player community. NB: These grants are subject to realistic budgets and the AVdGS grants are aimed to cover any unforeseen shortfalls
- Assistance getting in contact with local tutors and players
- Discounts available from The Early Music Shop and Gamut. Please see the members only section for discount codes
- Your subscription assists the AVdGS to help players, members, teachers, makers and all people associated with the viol in Australia
Rules of Membership
The Rules of Association or Constitution of the Australian Viola da Gamba Society are available to all members, and were amended at the General Meeting which took place on Friday, 25 March 2008 at the Sydney Easter Viol School.
The Rules are available as a PDF file for you to download.